ShoshanaPl 发表于 2024-11-15 17:13:49

The 69 Sex Cover Up

John Livingston Seagull : I had to study it twice, the 1st time (I was quite youthful) I could not stand it but the 2nd time it did touch me. Is this John Smith? All software program sucks. Repeat until finally enlightenment." --Hasufin Microsoft: Making pc literacy unfashionable and unwanted because 1985. "You cannot do it.. Holy shit, I thoroughly see a cult film in the producing below." --Pegritz "Boobies aid a musical incredibly substantially." --Lyssa, on Patti LaPone "If I shared information, I'd be harmful. Brilliant Ph.D engineers do not commonly make great system administrators." --Elizabeth Zwicky "XML is like violence: If it would not remedy your difficulty, you usually are not applying adequate of it." --Anonymous Godwin's Second Law: "As justifications for restrictive on line regulations are offered, the probability of a politician mentioning youngster pornography methods 1." "And the Lord God stated unto Noah 'you shall back up all thine information, and all the files of thine persons. USENET is like a herd of carrying out elephants with diarrhea -- massive, complicated to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a supply of thoughts-boggling amounts of excrement when you the very least be expecting it." --Gene Spafford "It would be amusing.
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