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Facing up to difficulties and being honest about how well you look after yourself are important when it comes to being able to cope with such an enormous project. ✓ Counter argument: You get to see how the scholar’s detractors put forward their objections. Part III: Getting On with Your Research 162 Considering Case Studies A case study isn’t really a research method in its own right, but is more about applying various research methods to one specific case, or subject. The basics are (naturally) fruit and veg, some protein and carbs and just enough ‘good fats’ to deliver the essential vitamins and other nutrients you need for general good health. If you live in a shared flat or house, talk to your housemates openly about the levels of noise that you expect and keep to your side of the bargain. ✓ Video recording: If you can make a video or DVD recorder unobtrusive, this can be a great way to capture body language and non-verbal cues as well as what is being said. 0 Comments Thesis 2025.

Different responses to situations show a wide range of personal realities. Finalising your research question After thinking through your philosophical standpoint and the kinds of data you’re going to need, you now have a clear understanding of what your research question involves. Keep in mind that your ideas need to progress logically and lead up to your conclusion. Analysing qualitative data is a progressive process. You can find myriad resources for helping you understand how to develop empirical data in books and on websites. Because of these measures, it’s likely that your work has been moderated by different people and the grade you’ve been given has been agreed by a few qualified people. 0 Comments Thesis 2025. Because a lot of Internet sites escape any sort of monitoring, errors slip through unchecked and undetected – something that’s never allowed to happen when journals and books are being prepared for publication.

In Table 13-1 I show some corrections I’ve made in a recent batch of student essays. 0 Comments Thesis 2025. Sorting Yourself Out Go to Chapters 16 and 17 to pick up tips and tactics for staying focused on your dissertation and keeping yourself healthy and happy. Second, you need to decide the structure of your observation, the part you’re going to be playing and how to record what you’re observing effectively. ✓ Your participants may be taking part without their knowledge (for example, carrying out observation of children in a playground). An average is usually when you’re describing the mean of something, however this may be being a bit simplistic because there are differ- ent types of ‘average’ used: ✓ Mean – adding up all the values and dividing by the number of values ✓ Median – taking the middle value once all values are listed in ascending or descending order ✓ Mode (or modal value) – the most frequently occurring value Chapter 9: Analysing Data and Drawing Conclusions 179 Meeting more complex statistics For complex statistical analysis you may need to use a much more sophisticated computer package or spreadsheet program. You should expect that some days you just get up feeling irritated, miserable or annoyed for no apparent reason. The student’s methodology proved to be just right for her dissertation: brought to life by addressing the topic through the children’s eyes. After making the right shift, you’re going to feel a great sense of relief. This isn’t necessarily a problem, but it’s important that you’re aware that the facts of the story may be biased and that you need to check out the key information. One way to do this is to keep a mood diary. In many cases it’s best to accept that you simply need more time and speak to your supervisor about deferring your dissertation until such time when you’re properly organised and have the time and inclination to complete your work satisfactorily.

Rather than collecting bald facts as with a positivist stance, you’re going to need a set of different approaches such as analysing transcriptions to review the sort of language people use when expressing themselves, or preferably, interview- ing police or support officers who can help you understand victims’ experiences (approaching the victims directly would be an ethical minefield). Part III: Getting On with Your Research 162 Considering Case Studies A case study isn’t really a research method in its own right, but is more about applying various research methods to one specific case, or subject. If your work is empirical, you’re looking for ideas to support your findings and provide a backdrop to your work. Here I have also justified the whole paragraph (which is standard in printed books, but not usually in student work), so that you can see the effect. That’s not to say that scholars are nervous about expressing their views, on the contrary this is what they tend to enjoy. However, it may be that you’re not focusing on generalisability but are more concerned with representation of a typical sample (called purposive sampling). 0 Comments Thesis 2025. Keep an eye on your productivity.

✓ Being openly lazy – watching TV, listening to music or just reading something for pleasure when you know very well you ought to be working on your dissertation. ✓ University counselling services are discreet and confidential and can be more useful than other (non-university) counselling services because the staff are used to dealing with students and are fully aware of the kinds of pressures under which you may be working. I’ve no doubt that the students had heard and used these words before, but it’s glaringly obvious that they haven’t understood their meanings. To whet the reader’s appetite, try to raise his curiosity as to how the dissertation is going to end. Part II: Getting Set Up for Your Dissertation 96 Avoiding plagiarism Plagiarism is stealing another person’s ideas or writings and passing them off as your own. You can collect your data in many ways: from questionnaires and observations to interviews and focus groups. 0 Comments Thesis 2025.

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Try to have a clear-out every now and then, although don’t be too fastidious. ✓ Narratives allow you to stand back and give opportunities for seeing patterns and logic in apparently disconnected and chaotic events. A good way of checking how much you’re understanding is to verbalise what you’re trying to master. Some geographers consider geography as a pure science, which is why you find that physical geography is separated from human geography in some universities. Like most universities, where I work we have a sheet that the students complete with their details and the examin- ers write their comments on this sheet when they mark the work. You’re likely to be doing that right now, as you’re reading this book. 0 Comments Thesis 2025
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