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For some students, this division may be rather forced, because it’s likely you come across overlap and connections between different research techniques (just as you’re going to find that your methodology and analysis don’t always fit neatly into a positivist or relativist category). ✓ If the meeting is steering away from the questions that you want to bring up, be sure to let your supervisor know that you’ve got issues that you want to tackle as well. When you’re viewing a website, remember to keep your critical wits about you! Investigating Other Sources Official government publications contain a mine of information for filling in the essential details as well as providing hard facts about what’s happening in the UK. For now, be aware of the following commonly used methods for collecting information (this list is just a guide): ✓ Questionnaires ✓ Interviews ✓ Observations ✓ Measuring or recording something ✓ Diaries or reflective journals ✓ Taking part in an event or activity The data you collect from using the methods in the list is called primary data (data you’ve collected yourself). Your redrafting and editing could actually last for weeks, months or even years as you try to get each word absolutely perfect. The most common formula for doing this (called a five-level Likert scale) includes a ‘don’t know’ option allowing respondents to take a neutral position. Daisy Miller Thesis 2025.
You can systematically narrow down, widen or cut out irrelevant references by linking the words AND, OR, NOT to your initial set of references that you come up with. Your reference list usually comes at the end of your document. Seeking help for more serious problems If you get into a situation that you can’t share with people closest to you or if you have problems that are so extensive that you need additional help, you have several people and services to whom you can turn art V: Managing the Overall Experience 296 ✓ If you have a positive relationship with your GP, a good starting place for dealing with problems is to make an appointment for a chat. ✓ Your contact details. Evaluating an existing study Present context; give rationale for why the study is being evaluated, including the impact of this study on policy and/or practice; present an overview of the literature; explain the evaluative methods to be used, taking into account issues such as validity, reliability, quality of evidence; evaluate the study, providing sup- port for any criticisms of the study’s research design, conclusions and implications; make an overall judgement on the quality of the study including implications and recommendations for improving policy and practice; conclude by summarising the key themes (without repeating everything). The ‘long and bad’ conclusion is rambling and merely repeats earlier parts of the dissertation without adding anything about what your findings say about the topic being reviewed. Daisy Miller Thesis 2025. Despite claims, no reliable, empirical studies exist proving that ‘anyone can develop a photographic memory’.
Looking words up every few minutes can disrupt your reading of the text and so you need to assess the texts you pick up and weed out those that look too complex and hard going. Daisy Miller Thesis 2025. Balancing your arguments In a non-empirical dissertation, trying to balance out your argu- ments and giving a fair hearing to all sides of the case in question can present difficulties. Inductive reasoning usually (not always) involves deriving theory from specific examples and because of this, results in statements that are more or less likely to be true, rather than a fixed absolute response. Prelude: Title page, acknowledge- ments and contents One of the weird things about writing a dissertation is that you write most of the beginning bits after you complete most of the work. You’re likely to find that you’re (unintentionally) reading the response you expect from your subject, rather than the actual response your subject is making. Postmodernist theory is challenging the idea of continuity, but for most undergraduate dissertations taking the more traditional approach of continuity still holds good. Here’s a simple way of assessing whether a text is too hard for you. You’ll have to follow a reasonably simple structure and ensure that you include the appropriate bits and pieces the examiner expects to find such as the abstract and introduction. It’s possible that an unstructured interview wanders so widely that it’s going to be more difficult to analyse. To find out more, read the sections ‘Examining Empirical Dissertations’ and ‘Examining Non-Empirical Dissertations’ later in this chapter. Include the bibliography in your contents list.
Always make tables and charts readable by making sure that they’re contained on one page. A dissertation is a much more structured piece of work than an essay and has to include a set number of elements as required by your university dissertation guidelines. Getting Ethical Clearance Getting ethical clearance before starting your research is vital. Make it clear and succinct. You can expect your grades to rise by 5 to 10 per cent if you do what your supervisor suggests – a more dramatic improvement is unrealistic (although possible of course). As you’ll have seen in books, a simpler (and often more effective) method for listing diagrams and charts is to create a list of figures and tables on a separate sheet. Daisy Miller Thesis 2025. University courses are designed to encourage students to think and to take an analytical approach to the subject they’re studying.
The library computer has a record of any previous transactions made by you at the library and if it happens you’ve got overdue books you need to clear your account of fines and unreturned books, there and then, however painful! Coming clean about lost or damaged items is your best policy – having the support of the librarians during your dissertation is worth ten minutes of embarrassment at the checkout. In Table 7-1 you can see a list of different types of specialist libraries, together with examples. If you do, you need to make absolutely sure that your subjects fully understand the consequences of taking part and are happy to carry on. Daisy Miller Thesis 2025.
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Also, if there’s a particularly great example of the kind of research method you’d like to be using for your dissertation, dig out the reference from your notes to remind yourself what first captured your interest. You may, in a determined fashion, manage to convince yourself that everything is a-okay, but if several of your friends are trying to get you to show some awareness of the problem, stop and consider what they’re saying. Part III: Getting On with Your Research 142 ✓ No brainers – ‘Do you think that children who use wheelchairs should be banned from school trips?’ ✓ Offensive – ‘Why do you think that people with dyslexia tend to be failures at school?’ ✓ Over-reliance on memory – ‘Are the children in your nursery class happier than your own classmates when you were at school?’ ✓ Assumed knowledge or experience – ‘When you visit a museum, do you prefer exhibits you build yourself and then take apart or discovery learning exhibits?’ or ‘How long have you been a cyclist?’ ✓ Leading questions – ‘Do you agree that Berrylands has a better train station than New Malden?’ ✓ Loaded questions – ‘Is it reasonable to deprive children of fresh air and healthy exercise by punishing them through playtime detentions?’ ✓ Double-barrelled questions – Avoid presenting more than one issue at a time (so don’t use ‘and’), ‘Do you swim in the mornings and at the weekends?’ Sussing out sampling Sampling is about examining and analysing data taken from a random group to find out what’s going on in the population as a whole. Do use the university support systems for study skills, IT support, careers advice, counselling, financial guidance and so on. The error about Jean Piaget’s nationality wasn’t important for the students’ essay, but all the students had made the same mistake. Check out Chapters 1 and 2 for the main differences between empirical and non-empirical dissertations. |