I really feel so beloved - Christ, it is chilly in here! Bryce "I used to be sittin' there, and similar to Spider-Man, my fat-man sense kicked in. I seemed out the window, and sure enough, the pizza was right here!" --T-G- For each good thought, there is an equal and opposite government requirement. Pegritz "Pizza Hut: Sustenance for the rest of us." --Nick "Only two kinds of individuals purchase black gi. Ninjas. And assholes." --Mr. Thanks, drive through." --Nick "We are hosting firm arms dealers." --Farmicus "Truly personal individuals don't make a spectacle of themselves, entice consideration, or make demands. It takes individuals to make it sophisticated." --Hasufin, on biogenesis "Tell the dumbass to take care of herself." --Lyssa "..do what to who, for What number of Twinkies? Not precisely." --Rogue "I'd love to inform them all to immediately flood lkml with their reviews of failed boots with numerous kernels, hardware disappearing, stopping working suddenly, memory disappearing, trying to use software suspend and having your balls blown off by your laptop computer, and so on." --Con Kolivas, on why he give up the Linux Kernel challenge "The Internet - for when you cannot discover your syrup of ipecac." --King of De Nile "Upgrade your grey matter / because one day it might matter! |