After getting handed over 3 times, President Carter nominated Ginsburg to be a federal judge in 1980. "The framers had in thoughts as the way in which to guard individual rights and liberty." People were surprised that the A.C.L.U. "I am proud to nominate for associate justice of the Supreme Court, Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg." Some feminist leaders were involved when President Clinton tapped Ginsburg for the High Court. "The opinion of the court in two instances, the United States against Virginia, will probably be introduced by Justice Ginsburg." "State actors may not shut entrance gates primarily based on mounted notions regarding the roles and skills of males and females." "Women will now be strolling on the campus of the Virginia Military Institute." "I suppose she would say it was the case she was happiest about in her tenure on the court docket." "V.M.I. And when the pendulum swings too far in one direction, it is going to go back." Notorious R.G.B. But perhaps most of all, it was her radical undertaking, which Ginsburg mentioned was still far from complete. In any case, no-one ever hated his personal body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church - for we're members of his body. |