2.5 miles over the confluence with the Middle Fork was run in 2009 by Ben Stookesberry and Darin McQuoid. nine mile over Yucca Creek was run in July 2010 by Cody Howard et al. Buckeye Flat Campground to Hospital Rock adds a mile of challenging h2o to the Hospital Rock Run. The Kaweah Commonwealth Local Three Rivers Newspaper Sage Root's "Our Trip Video Productions" California Kayaking Video Clips Get AvantGo get present-day Kaweah River Flow and other graphs loaded to your Palm or other PDA each time you sync Flow Plots for the relaxation of California The flood of January 1997 Lake Kaweah Page(US Army Corp of Engineers) Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks North Fork BLM Recreation Sites The Mineral KingValley lies 25 miles up the East Fork The Three Rivers Historical Society California Department of Water Resources California Snow Surveys Calif Data Exchange Center California Nevada River Forcast Center US Geolological Survey Historic Flow Data for all Gauges in Tulare County, Calif.